
Alpha component

Multiselect component is subject to major changes and is for experimentation purposes only. Not recommended for use in production software.

Multiselect allows users to make a multi selection from a list of options. It has multiple optional features like a search.


import { Multiselect } from '@contentful/f36-multiselect';


Basic usage

The Multiselect is a fully controlled form element and expects the selectable items as children via the compound component Multiselect.Option.

Properties are:

For the multiselect itself:

  • currentSelection (optional but recommended): an array of the labels of selected options. This will give the user a hint that there are selected items. This is optional
  • placeholder (optional): Label of the trigger button without selected elements
  • startIcon (optional): Icon on the start of the trigger button
  • isLoading: enables showing a loading animation while searching or loading results

Inherited propertys from Popover Component.

  • listWidth (optional): auto or full
  • listMaxHeight (optional): sets the maximum height of the list drawer, overflow will be scrolled

It also accepts refs for the toggle button, the searchInput and the list.

For the option:

  • itemId: identifier for the element, used to link the label with the checkbox
  • value: the actual value of the select option
  • label: displayed label
  • onSelectItem: This function is called when the user selects a option, it needs to be passed to the MultiselectOption
  • isChecked (optional): controlls if a element is initially selected
  • isDisabled (optional): controlls if a element is changeable

Searchable options

One optional feature of the Multiselect component is to allow filtering the list via a search field. To make it work, the onSearchValueChange callback function needs to be provided.

To enable searching the following properties have to be set.

  • onSearchValueChange: Callbackfunction which enables the search field. This function needs to provide the search /filter algorithm
  • searchPlaceholder (optional): placeholder for the search field
  • noMatchesMessage (optional): message shown when search result is empty

Props (API reference)

Open in Storybook

Content guidelines

  • Multiselect placeholder should be short but descriptive.
  • Multiselect options can come from a simple array of strings or more complex objects.
  • Do not use the index position of the items in the filtered array for keys or ids, as they are going to change while filtering.
  • Use any algorithm you like in order to search and filter. Depending on your implementation you can also generate a new request to your dataset based on the users input.


  • When focussing the toggle button, the enter key opens it. The dropdown content automatically will be focussed
  • Pressing the space bar toggles the checked state of an option and will trigger the onSelectItem callback function